Family Home Providers Required

Wanted Full Time Family Home Providers Required Immediately
We are currently looking for new home providers that will enable individuals to live as an integral part of the family setting.
About Family Home:
The Family Home Program is a flexible option that matches people with intellectual disabilities with individuals (families) who can provide a caring, stable home environment. The supports offered are tailored to each situation and take into consideration the unique qualities and needs of everyone involved.
Who are Family Home Providers?
Family Home Providers are people who have chosen to open their homes and their lives to a person with an intellectual disability. These individuals:
*Can be single, couples or families of all types.
*Have diverse experiences, backgrounds and lifestyles.
*Can provide a consistent, nurturing home life, and
*Are willing and capable of assisting another person in the areas of daily living as necessary.
Family Home Providers are compensated; tax free, for services based on a daily rate.
For Further Information:
Please contact:
Alice-Anne Paterson Collinge - Manager of Family Home.
Phone (613) 257-8040 ext.25