In accordance with the CLA mission to support people with an intellectual disability “to live a quality life in a state of dignity, with the opportunity to participate fully in their community and to contribute and benefit from societal engagement,” The Planning and Family Services department enables the Individuals supported to live in a state of dignity, share in all elements of living in the community and have the opportunity to participate effectively.”
The Planning and Family Services program goals are:
To provide individual support and specialized plans that meet the needs of the Individuals supported by the Association.
Family Home
To provide a safe and secure place for Individuals with developmental disabilities to live within the context of a family.
Transitional Aged Youth (TAY)
To assist with the integration of youth identified by the province to transition successfully from children’s services to adult services. Oftentimes this includes the provision of family home environments.
Family Supports
To offer supports to families in and outside of times of crisis.
The person-centred plans considers the wishes and desires of the Individual with community inclusion/focused person-centred plans. The plans focus on goals and dreams and the supports required so that the Individual can realize these dreams. The plans are influenced by risk assessments and a person’s skills and competencies. Specialized plans are developed to assist Individuals to achieve their goals and dreams. The plans may or may not require sign off by external professionals.
Transition Planning
Working in partnership with educational partners, Planning and Family Services will work with schools and families to plan for Individuals as the first point of entry into the adult world of developmental services. The planning will follow the Individual from grade 9, through to integration into the adult developmental services world.
Transitional Aged Youth (Traditional TAY program)
The department supports the transitional aged youth to transition from childhood to adult services including aspects of daily living, life/living skills, residential, employment/volunteering, recreational pursuits, and medical supports.
Case Management
A team Lead under the auspices of this department will case manage difficult cases that involve Crisis and Stability Plans and co-ordination with external service providers.
Quality Assurance
Assists with ensuring that all services provide quality supports and services based on Regulation 299/10, Services and Supports to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and the annual compliance review.
Leads the committee of staff responsible for collaborating on ensuring the association meets or exceeds quality assurance indicators.
Family Home
The Planning and Family Services department will provide quality supports to:
Provide an environment for Home Sharers to have all the opportunities to live a high quality of life.
Ensure Home Sharers are properly supported to be members of their community, within or outside of the family unit.
Ensure Homes Sharers participate in family life to the extent of their capabilities
The program offers additional daytime supports to Home Sharers, including community engagement, life/living skills, and medical/financial supports.
The team will oversee the homes and ensure that the Individual is safe, healthy, and happy while following quality assurance measures set out by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
Family Supports
The department offers support groups for families with common interests.
The department case manages family crisis across departments and act as the lead case manager.